Project Presentations: Last week of class
Final Exam schedule:
Ch 19: The Campus Experience:
19.4 Ask lots of questions
Active questioners are the ones who learn the most.
Etiquette for asking lots of questions:
Explain your misunderstanding:
Explain your misunderstanding:
Explain what you understand:
Be confident
- It might not be your fault you don't get it, it might be their fault for not explaining it clearly enough - so don't feel bad that you are having to ask!
Research as much as you can beforehand
If you can't find an answer in class, use the internet!
19.5 The People Issue
Meeting people:
Join the "I talk to Strangers" movement!
Work in groups, know the email/phone/names of 3-4 other people in each of your classes.
Networking: Think about all of the different jobs you have had so far, how may of them were a result of knowing someone who worked there?
Jobs often come through people you know.

Find an adviser that is in your department, who understands the requirements for your degree.
ENGR class info:
LSC website → programs of study → class search→ENGR
Before you register, go over your schedule with Nicole to make sure you are not taking classes you don't need, or that you are not missing anything.
Investigating Instructors:
You don't always have a choice, but if you do, might as well choose wisely!
Know and use your Campus Resources:
Events Calendar: link
Financial Aid: link
Career Services: link
Career Fairs: link
Tutoring: link
Library hours: link
Fitness Center: link
Food: link
Can you name all of the buildings on your campus?
Take the campus tour - link

Time management:
"If you haven't got the time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?" - Jeffrey Mayer

It's worth it to read your book!
1st preview it:
Financial Aid: link
Career Services: link
Career Fairs: link
Tutoring: link
Library hours: link
Fitness Center: link
Food: link
Can you name all of the buildings on your campus?
Take the campus tour - link
Time management:
"If you haven't got the time to do it right, when will you have the time to do it over?" - Jeffrey Mayer
It's worth it to read your book!
1st preview it:
- take 30 seconds to look over titles and headings.
- look at any pictures, charts, examples.
- Get general idea of the main idea
Use your eyes & brain, don't talk to yourself! Hooked on Phoenix taught us all to talk to ourselves when we read, but talking is slow, you can read faster if you don't say it in your head to yourself.
Read in phrases, rather than individual words.
Skim through & read easy material quickly, slow down for harder material. If your reading speed is right, you should not have to re-read anything to make sense of it.
Highlight key sentences & ideas.
Check out some of the speed reading apps:
Fulfilling Duties:
Take pride in being part of academia,
Get involved, you get out of things what you put into them.
Use the Web!
Use wiki, youtube, Forums, email your instructors.
Learn how to type:
Stress management -
Balance & moderation in all things.
Find people to vent to.
If you don't know anyone you feel comfortable venting to, just get online somewhere to vent.
Chapter 20: Financial Aid
Financial Aid: link
There are several types of financial aid available: link
- Loans
- Scholarships
- Veterans Affairs
- Work Study
Chapter 21: Engineering Work Experience
"How do you get experience without a job, and how do you get a job without experience?"
LSC Career Services: link
Volunteer work -
How many of you have a summer job lined up?
How many of you have family / friends who know of job openings?
How many of you need a letter of recommendation?You can use me (and other members in your group) to write you up letters of recommendation if you need them. Tip - help them write their letter, give them everything you would like them to put in it!
Chapter 22: Liberal Arts and Engineering
What's up with the HIST, GOVT, and ENGL requirements? ....
Aren't liberal arts classes the joke classes for people who aren't smart enough to do math??? Why do we have to take these classes again???? ...
Take a second to remember:
What is the point of engineering?
A - To make the world a better place for everyone.
What do you need to know in order to better serve others?
A - you need to understand people, society, government, history.
ENGL Composition classes???
This is the information age, you need to know how to create & communicate information. The age of technology is a result of the age of information, we have advanced as far as we have because of our increased ability to learn and communicate with one another.
Take your lib arts classes seriously, they are not a joke!!!
Chapter 3: Profiles of Engineers
1 pg long bios of engineers talking about their job & life - worth reading!!!!
Last chunk of the semester
Project Presentations, Final exam review, turn in mousetrap car graphs, C++, mathematica, and anything else you still need to turn in.
Need help? email me, come by my officeCLB118 Tu/Th 9:20-2:30
Just a couple more weeks!!!!
You're almost there!!!!