
Project Report and Proposal

Review “Writing as an Engineer”

Use a writing center to proofread your proposal and report: 
Designed for students that have writing assignments in any class, has several computers where you can work on your assignments. 

Walk through the engineering design method:  

  • Define the problem you want to solve
  • List specific goals
  • Include background research on your product
  • List the ideas you brainstormed
  • Analyze & test your ideas
  • Decide what project your group will work on
  • Communicate your choice → Proposal, Report, Final Presentation
  • Commercialize - post it on Kickstarter, or a creative commons site. Share your idea so it does not die at the end of the semester!
  • Review - if you had another 6 months to work on it, what would you change?

The proposal will turn into your report by the end of the semester.  Even though you have not built anything yet, you should be able to include a sketch of the design, plans on how it will be tested, and have all your background research done in the proposal.

Centered on page: Name of your product (pick a catchy name!)
List team member names with their contribution

The No Totter Water Potter
Jack  – Research competition & PR 
Jill – Construction, design sketches 
Mary –  Testing - experimental design, set up data sheets & testing methodologies
Joe – Research problem & technical issues.

Semester, 20**

1. Introduction (5 points)
Briefly state the product you decided to create, what need it will fill, who it will be marketed to, and why you chose this product.

ex – Jack and Jill have sustained serious injuries transporting water to their home by hand, so we created a clean drinking water  transportation and containment system.  Fresh spring water from the top of high hill is now safely delivered through insulated polyvinyl chloride piping to sun heated and ground cooled storage tanks located right next to their home. 

2. Research and Background information (10 points)

As can be seen on the map in figure 2.1, on top of High Hill, at the headwater of Slippery Stream, lies Clearwater Spring.   The spring water is purified through a natural filtration process where the groundwater seeps through rocks and soil (1).  This water was last tested on Nov 28, 2016 by AAAEnviroWet and was found to be exceptionally pure (2). →use "insert end-notes" to easily create a numbered reference section.

Use the automatic formatting features in word for your report:
  • Numbered headings and subheadings
  • Figures, tables, and graphs should be referred to and discussed within text.  Use captions and cross-references.  
  • Include a reference section, and (3) add corresponding reference numbers to body of report. 

3. Product specifications, diagrams, pictures, and user instructions. (25 points)
Older lead pipes on the High Hill property will need to be removed, and replaced with insulated polyvinyl chloride piping installed according to rhyme building code specifications (4).   A splitter valve will divide the water flow into an above ground black solar hot water pot, and an underground cold water pot where it is stored until needed as shown in figure 3.1.  

4. Testing ,  testing methods, modifications, and operation procedures.   (25 points)
Water purity, pressure, and temperatures were tested throughout the system at various weather conditions as shown in Table 4.1.  ...

Proposal:  Plan out what tests will be performed.  Create data sheets, decide on sample sizes, write testing procedures.

... Fill the rest of the report in by the end of the semester... 

After consideration of the data, a pressure relief valve was installed to prevent rupture of the solar heater during hot summer months, and an air injection line was installed to blow water out of lines susceptible to freeze in the winter.   Operating procedures for both summer, and winter months are presented below….

5. Observations, Results and Discussion (25 points)

The variable water flow rates resulting from seasonal weather changes shown in Table 5.1 were used to calculate the storage tank size needed to ensure a constant water supply through the entire year.   Seasonal weather changes also affected the solar water heater temperatures, and additional  gas or electric heating may be required in winter months.
6. Conclusions, suggestions for future work. (10 points)

Jack and Jill’s new “No Totter Water Potter” network is a vast improvement over the previous bucket and muddy path water transportation  system.  Although this new system has many advantages, the spring snowmelt runoff poses a possible threat to water purity in late April and May, and future mitigation for this is strongly suggested.  

Reference Section
Correctly formatted, and numbered.

Project Presentation & Proposal Pitch:
Either make a video advertising what you have created, or post your idea in an online community.  

Presentations should be
Short, sweet, simple, entertaining.

Total presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes.  Post all presentation materials in project D2L drop box & in discussion forum.  Presentations will be graded on enthusiasm, clarity, organization, body language, voice projection, visual aids, content, etc.

Advertise your product!
Create a pitch video.

How to advertise:

1. Tell a story

2. Connect story with a desire to act (desire to buy your product)

3. Use emotional appeals - people are more likely to remember what they are emotionally attached to
eight basic universal emotions:
  •  joy, 
  • surprise, 
  • anticipation, 
  • acceptance, 
  • fear, 
  • anger, 
  • sadness, 
  • disgust. 

4. Use inferences that allow audience to jump to conclusions without you having to say anything.  Use riddles - allow audience to arrive at your correct answer themselves.  

5. Show - rather than tell.  Audience is skeptical about advertisers - what adds do you like?  The adds that are trying to sell something? or the adds that tell a cute story, and just happen to have product placement in it?  Seeing is believing - actions speak louder than words - use pictures, demonstrations.

6. Life is experienced through senses - feel, hear, smell, taste - incorporate all 5 senses into advertisement. 

7.  Coordinate audio and visual messages - keep everyone unified and coordinated with each other.  Disorganized chaotic, not-unified = not impressive.

8.  Pause - use silence - don't rush.

9. Let some things speak for themselves.

10.  Music - poetry - catch phrase - title - name of product

Alternative Uses Test
J.P. Guilford in 1967
Creativity test - in two minutes, come up with as may alternatives uses as you can for a  (fill in the blank - pencil, paperclip, brick, chair, etc.).  

  • responses graded on:
  • Quantity - how many different uses you can come up with
  • Originality
  • Different areas (energy, transportation, food, art, infrastructure - different disciplines)
  • Elaboration - level of detail in response

Apply the alternative use test to your product → more uses = larger audience = more clients

Post it note story - started as spray for a bulletin board (no one wanted the spray), alternative use - tried it as a bookmark → people took the book marks and started writing on them and sticking them on things other than books.  After analyzing user response, the now famous post-it notes were created.  Took many years, and experimenting with many different uses of the glue before it evolved into what it is today!

Example Presentation Eval:
Presentation grade:
50% based on the feedback and quality of comments you give other groups.
50% based on how other groups grade you.

Group: __________________       
Grader: _______________________

5          4          3          2          1          0
      -body language & eye contact

LANGUAGE SKILLS                                                             
5          4          3          2          1          0
      -correct usage
      -appropriate vocabulary and grammar
      -understandable (rhythm, intonation, accent)
      -spoken loud enough to hear easily

5          4          3          2          1          0
      -clear objectives
      -logical structure
      -signposting ( the way they explain the path that was taken)

MASTERY OF THE SUBJECT                                             
5          4          3          2          1          0
      -depth of commentary
      -spoken, not read
      -able to answer questions

VISUAL AIDS                                                                          
5          4          3          2          1          0
      - Clear and understandable
      - Demonstrates proficiency in CAD

OVERALL IMPRESSION                                                      
5          4          3          2          1          0
      -very interesting / very boring
      -pleasant / unpleasant to listen to
      -very good / poor communication

TOTAL SCORE  _______ / 30

List Strengths:

List at least one area for improvement:

L2: The ENGR Method (Chapter 12)

What is the difference between a scientist and an Engineer?

Ans: Engineering is applied.

The difference between theory and  practice

“In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.”― Albert Einstein

A scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method.

*The “Scientific” method:
  • Formulate a question,
  • Make a hypothesis or theory,
  • Predict what would happen if the theory or hypothesis is true,
  • Test the hypothesis through experimentation, observations, empirical measurements
  • Analyze experimental results,
  • Make conclusions based on results) 

*The “Engineering” method
The use of engineering heuristics to cause the best change in a poorly understood situation within the available resources.” - Koen

Heuristics and The Engineering Method - Koen link

The Engineering Method 
Starts with a problem, ends with a solution.

The Engineering Method  10 Step Design Process: 


1. Identify the Problem/product innovation
2. Define the working criteria/Goals
3. Research and gather data
4. Brainstorm/generate possible solution ideas
5. Analyze potential solutions
6. Develop and Test the potential solutions
7. Make the Decision on which solution to use
8. Communicate decision to team members
9. Implement and Commercialize
10. Perform post-implementation Review and assessment


1. Identify the Problem/product innovation


  •  Problems are poorly defined
  •  Most decisive issues not yet apparent

Example Chemical ENGR problem:

Flow assurance engineer:

Petroleum Flow assurance issues:

Flow assurance solutions:

Hypothetical situation:

A chemical engineer working for an oil company was assigned to solve a problem involving an electric heater that was purchased & installed to heat a particular stream of liquid to a certain temperature. 

The problem: 
Unfortunately, once constructed, delivered, and installed the heater did not raise the temperature of the targeted liquid stream to anywhere near the desired value.

What is the root of the problem?
Everyone at the oil company had spent months debating the cause with elaborate theories supporting arguments of:

  • Heater constructed improperly?
  • Heater installed improperly?

Upon investigation the new engineer found:

- The oil company had ordered the equipment from a reputable company who specialized in heat tracing.

- The amount of power/length that the heater had to deliver had been specified by the oil company.

What shall we do???

The new Chem E engineer decided to collect his own data on the flow rates and temperatures of the stream going through the heater.  Turns out:

  • it was not an improper construction, 
  • it was not an improper installation... 

The real problem....
The original order had requested the wrong amount of power (colder ocean temperatures than expected required more power than what was ordered).

For months the problem had been misconstrued - the problem was not a malfunction of the vendor who made the heater.

Often defining the problem involves blame games... You are half way there if you can just accurately define what the problem actually is.

Random ENGR trivia:
Hibernia - World's largest oil platform

37,000 t (41,000 short tons) integrated topsides facility mounted on a 600,000 t (660,000 short tons) gravity base structure. (GBS) contains storage tanks for 1.2 million barrels (190,000 m3) of crude oil. (right next to the ocean ranger - another platform that sank in a storm killing all 84 engineers on board)


2. Define the working criteria/Goals/resolutions

The "wishful" thinking phase of the project where everyone lists their unrealistic expectations of what you're going to make.

ample working criteria:

  • How much will it cost?
  • Will it be difficult to produce?
  • What will be the size, weight, strength?
  • What will it look like?
  • Will it be easy to use?
  • Will it be safe?
  • Are there any legal concerns?
  • Will it be reliable and durable?
  • Can it be recycled?
  • Is this what the customer really wanted?
  • Will our customers really want to purchase it?
  • Will they purchase our version instead of a competitor's?

Goals = objectives 

Produce an automobile that:
  • produces less emissions
  • increases gas mileage
  • avoids crashing
  • drives itself 
  • augmented reality dash display
  • doubled stopping power
  • avoids traffic because it can fly

When setting goals, make them
S. Specific
M. Measurable
A. Actionable
R. Realistic
T. Timebound

3. Research and gather data

Who has worked on it?
What did they come up with?
How much did it cost?

This is what conferences are for...

What information has been published about the problem?
What problems did everyone else run up against?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions out there?

true story:  
Once upon a time there was a graduate student (not going to name names) who wasted 2 years of work because they did not do their research... 

moral of the story:
You can waste a lot of time reinventing the wheel if you don't do your research!  Stand on the shoulders of giants by not isolating yourself - talk to everyone, go to conferences, get the inside scoop! 


What is the difference between plagiarism and research?

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Warning:  You will be required to use more than one reference on all of the papers you write in this class!  

4. Brainstorm/generate creative ideas

Rules of Brainstorming:
1.  Postpone and withhold your judgements.
2.  The wilder the ideas, the better
3.  Quantity not quality
4.  Build on the ideas of others.  Group Think!
    Encourage embellishment!

5.  Every person and every idea has equal worth.

Record all ideas on large board where everyone can see them.

Example Class Brainstorming Exercise:
Get into groups, and design a new lawn watering system

  • Water conservation, 
  • even and complete coverage, 
  • weather issues (frozen pipes,  rainy days), 
  • won’t interfere with lawn mowing, 
  • high visual appeal, 

Take care of all problems

Research:  Current models:

Chapter 7 in book, pg 211+ - brainstorming strategies & info

5. Analyze potential solutions
Write down the list
Eliminate duplicates
Ask clarifying questions about ideas
Evaluate pro's and cons.


6. Develop and Test models

Create models with CAD, or create physical small scale models using simple building materials. 

Test for:

  • Durability
  • Ease of assembly
  • Reliability
  • Strength
  • Environmental issues
  • Quality
  • Safety

7. Make the Decision:


 Open up and make a decision table to rate and rank project ideas.  

1.  List all of the working criteria.

2. Assign a relative weight of how important each working criteria is.

3. Grade (estimate) how each of your ideas score for each of your working criteria.

4.  Add up the points of each idea, and see which ones scores the highest!

5. Put your names on it, save it, and email it to me and the other people in your group.

8. Communicate and specify

Engineers, craftsmen, computer designers, production personnel, etc. etc. Everyone has to be on the same page.

  • written reports
  • training materials
  • operating manuals
  • presentations

9. Implement and Commercialize

Final opportunity for revision or termination of project

Up to:

  • Management
  • Engineers
  • Business - sales and marketing
  • Legal

10. Perform post-implementation Review and assessment
  • production efficiency
  • quality control
  • sales
  • revenue
  • costs
  • expenditures
  • profits

Learn the 10-step process - it will be on the midterm!

L1: Intro to Engineering

Welcome to ENGR 1201 !!!


“If you, as with all humans since the birth of man, desire change; if the system you want to change is complex and poorly understood, if the change you will accept must be the best available, and if it is constrained by limited resources, then you are in the presence of an engineering problem.  If you cause this change … then you are an engineer."  - Koen


Read Heuristics and The Engineering Method - taken from Koen's work which can be read here: link

What is an engineer?
The word engineer is derived from the Latin:

  • ingeniare "to contrive, devise"
  • ingenium "cleverness"

What is the difference between:
  • a scientist,
  •  a technician,
  •  and an engineer?

A mathematician, a scientist, and an engineer walk into a bar....
On the way back to work, they pass an open office and observe that there is a fire starting in the corner of the room.

The mathematician looks around, observes that there is a fire extinguisher on the wall and walks on. He is satisfied that the problem has a solution.

The scientist grabs his pocket calculator, estimates the size of the room, the amount of combustible material, etc, checks the tag on the fire extinguisher to see what size fire it can handle, and after some calculation, he too walks on. He has confirmed that the problem's solution is at hand.

The engineer grabs the fire extinguisher and puts out the fire while the other two are fooling around.

The difference between Science and Engineering:
Engineering is applied. 

What does "applied" mean?


applied: the difference between "theory" and "reality"...


4 key components an Engineer must balance:
  1. Need for change,
  2. Limited resources,
  3. Determining what’s best
  4. Dealing with uncertainty.

1. Change  
 Engineers cause change through creation.
  • build a dam → change the landscape,
  • build a road → invite a housing development
the before/after picture is different after an engineer has been on the scene.

 “To identify a situation calling for an engineer, is to identify a situation calling for change.”

ENGR's start at point A, not knowing quite what point B will look like or how they are going to get there… Engineers deal with open-ended problems

example: The Aswan High Dam in Egypt 

11,811 feet long,
3,215 feet thick at the base
364 feet tall

consider before / after… state A – state B.
a.) increased the salinity of the Nile by 10%
b.) led to the collapse of the sardine industry in the Delta
c.) caused coastal erosion
d.) displaced 100,000 Nubians from their home, forced them to adapt to life as farmers on newly created land. 
e.) generation of enough hydroelectric power to furnish half of Egypt’s electrical needs.


The Transition

The engineer is willing to develop a transition strategy, but rarely is given a specific, well-defined problem to solve.  Instead, he must determine for himself what the actual problem is on the basis of society’s diffuse desire for change.

The Destination

Often "B" changes through the design process
  • It takes 5-12 years to build a nuclear reactor during which time presidents change, society changes, etc.
  • Automotive industry - First society wants power, then they want safe, then they want small and efficient - "B" shifts around quickly.  

The Path

The creative process is very seldom a straight line.  Most roads you drive on curve and twist, because it’s faster and more practical to go around things like the Grand Canyon than to go “straight” through them. 

Walking straight into circles link
by Jan L. Souman, Ilja Frissen, Manish N. Sreenivasa, Marc O. Ernst
Current Biology, Volume 19, Issue 18, 1538-1542, 20 August 2009

Abstract: "Common belief has it that people who get lost in unfamiliar terrain often end up walking in circles. Although uncorroborated by empirical data, this belief has widely permeated popular culture. 

Here, we tested the ability of humans to walk on a straight course through unfamiliar terrain in two different environments: 

  • a large forest area and 
  • the Sahara desert. 

Walking trajectories of several hours were captured via GPS.

Participants repeatedly walked in circles when they could not see the sun. Conversely, when the sun was visible, participants sometimes veered from a straight course but did not walk in circles. We tested various explanations for this walking behavior by assessing the ability of people to maintain a fixed course while blindfolded. Under these conditions, participants walked in often surprisingly small circles (diameter < 20 m), though rarely in a systematic direction."

Moral of the story -

With Nothing To Guide Their Way, People Really Do Walk In Circles - link


Imagine a soccer/football/basketball game without any goals, or with a poorly defined goal.... or with players who do not understand what their goal is.
Engineers (and everyone) need clearly defined goals and reference points.  It's best to try and clearly define "B" from the start (as hard as that might be) and stick to it.  Every project is a failure in the middle, nothing is perfect, but if you stick with your goal, you'll eventually accomplish something. 

What is the difference between a technician and an engineer?

  • A technician implements a defined change. 

  • An engineer has to decide what the goal is, and which of the many paths from A to B they should take. 

2. Balancing Limited Resources

Resources both define, and constrain solutions. 

Solutions must take into account:

  • available time 
  • physical materials 
  • economic considerations 
  • political resources  

Example Problem: 
In 50 seconds, estimate the number of ping-pong balls that can fit in this classroom.

(importance of resources – you only have 50 seconds, you don’t have a tape measure, you don’t have enough ping-pong balls to actually fill the classroom, and then count them)  

ping pong balls are 1.38” in diameter, 
             V = 4/3 pi r^3 = 1.4in^3.  
             0.74 highest packing density for spheres

Unlike science and math, there are no exact answers in engineering.

Example Problem: What is the exact temperature of this room?

No exact solution - temperature changes with time and space, it's different by the door than by the window, etc. 

 How many ping-pong balls fill this room?  We can quibble about packing fractions, can argue about the ability to crush the ping-pongs or not, not etc. etc. 

Should the Aswan High Dam in Egypt have been built? Is there a right or wrong answer to this? No.  It’s subjective. 

See also: Fermi Questions

3. Determining What's Best

Instead of looking for “the” answer to a problem (as does the scientist), the engineer seeks “the most optimal” answer to a problem considering the subjective needs of people and resources available to them.  

Not all final states are equally desirable – not all paths are the same.

best” is a subjective adjective. 

Example: – What is the “best” vehicle?

 To exist, means it was some engineer’s notion of “best”.  

Unlike science, engineering does not seek to model reality, but society’s perception of reality, including its myths and prejudices. 

What's best is subjective and relative to the application.

 Beer vending machine...
  "In a society of cannibals, the engineer will try to design the most efficient kettle." 

“best” in science = closest to approximating reality.
“best” in engineering = balance of “wants” to resources/$

What does everyone want?

Engineers often manipulate society’s perceived wants – engineers create what they think an informed society should want based on their knowledge of what an uninformed society thinks it wants. 

4. Dealing with Uncertainty

Example: San Francisco’s Embarcadero “Freeway to Nowhere” 

– engineers designed the “best” way to move traffic… 

highway was abandoned mid-construction because it failed to take into account...

 “don’t block my view of the bay”,
 “Don’t raise the noise level or density of people or increase pollution in my neighborhood”,

- theoretically a design will work wonderfully, but in practice there is always the possibility of having overlooked some criteria it needed to fulfill. 

There will always be doubt about the criteria that are important to society, and doubt about the relative importance of these criteria (is it more important that a car is cheap? Or that is lasts a long time?).


The principle Rule of Engineering Method: Heuristics.

Heuristics: Vague, non-analytic techniques such as using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, intuitive judgement, or just plain common sense to find an answer.  

Heuristics are used in everything from computer codes for checkers games, to identifying hurricane cloud formations, and controlling nuclear reactors.  

Example: Chess 
An exact, calculated, analytic analysis is impossible.  There are no computers which are large enough to calculate all of the possible combinations and permutations of all possible games.  To learn how to play chess, you don’t memorize all possible games – instead you go on suggestions, hints, and rules of thumb

Chess Heuristics:
  • Open with a center pawn
  • Move a piece only once in the opening
  • Develop the pieces quickly
  • Castle on the King’s side as soon as possible
  • Develop the queen late
  • Control the center
  • Establish outposts for the knights
  • Keep bishops on open diagonals
  • Increase your mobility


  • do not guarantee you will win 
  • often offer conflicting advice 
  • depend on context 
  • and change with time 

– but “hints and rule of thumb” is often the best that we have. 

Artificial intelligence problem solving programming technique:
Instead of using an algorithm containing fixed deterministic steps (move forward 3 feet.   stop.    turn to the left.   move 2 feet.   Stop. Extend hand.take cookie.) The program uses heuristics

Dealing with uncertainty:Like chess, an engineer starts a project not knowing how the “game” will play out, with an infinite number of possible moves, paths, and outcomes that could be produced, and no way to analytically solve which solution should be taken.  In the absence of an analytic solution – the use of Heuristics is an engineering strategy. 

1 Understand the technical term “heuristic
2 Develop the engineer’s strategy for change
3 Define “state of the art”
4 State the principle rule for implementing the engineering method.

 – “anything that provides a plausible aid or direction in the solution of a problem, but is unjustified, non-provable, and fallible.  It is used as a rough guide to discover and to reveal.  It is to use a rule of thumb, technique, hint, rule of craft, engineering judgment, working basis, or, if in France, “le pif” (the nose), to describe plausible (if fallible) basis of the engineer’s strategy for solving problems.  Each of these terms captures the feeling of doubt characteristic of the heuristic." 

1. A heuristic does not guarantee a solution
2. It may contradict other heuristics
3. It reduces the search time in solving a problem
4. Its acceptance depends on the immediate context instead of on an absolute standard.

Scientific law vs. Engineering heuristic

Inside the box 
– set of all problems that can be analytically solved using the laws of science. (theoretically solvable given perfect knowledge and infinite time)

  • How hot is the sun, 
  • How fast will this pen drop
  • How much force does it take to break this chair
  • etc.

Outside the box – anything else.  Questions that cannot be answered, cannot be asked, pseudo questions.  (Many scientists believe that no points, such as e and f, exist). 

  • How much of the world's energy/water resources should each person be allowed to use?  
  • What is the best color for your neighbor's house? 
  • Should the Aswan high dam have been built?

Note #1: 
Engineers can think "outside the box
BUT they also understand what is inside the box.

Note #2:
"inside the box" vs "outside the box" questions:

A brand new Wilson Ultra-500 golf ball is dropped from a height of 3m onto a smooth concrete floor.  How many bounces before it comes to rest?

A 10 pound 6 month old tabby cat is dropped from a height of 3m onto a smooth concrete floor.  How many bounces before it comes to rest?

Personal observation: "Outside of the box" questions frequently involve entities from the realm of the living.  If it's dead (rocks, air, falling pens) it's possible to use cause/effect laws to predict behaviors and properties... If it's alive?   You cannot analytically predict the whims and wills of what living entities are going to do, or what they want.  

A,B,B’,C,D,I – sets of problems that can be solved using a specific scientific or mathematical theory, principle, or law.  (set A with problem a = all problems solvable using conservation laws, B problems requiring physics etc.)

E, F,G, H – lie inside and outside of box - set of problems which use heuristics, etc.

Example problem:  Create a car

Inside the box component: calculating energy efficiency, power, acceleration abilities etc.

Outside of the box component: Trying to predict and deal with the opinions and behaviors of the people you want to design the car for.

Scientist – considers ambiguity a fatal weakness creating an unsolvable problem.

Engineer - considers ambiguity to be an opportunity for adding creativity and personal expressions to a solution.  No such thing as "unsolvable" to an engineer... no such thing as a perfect solution either, but we can always make something that is "good enough", and keep making it just a little bit better each year.

Uncertainty about a solution’s validity indicates a heuristic (rather than law) has been used. 

2.Heuristics can contradict one another & still be valid (Unlike scientific theories... For a mathematician, contradiction is even worse than ambiguity).  

 What’s the best vehicle for a family? 
Heuristic A.) large, safe van.  
Heuristic B) small fuel-efficient $ saving vehicle

Engineers are able to deal with contradictions.   
A and B contradict one another, but they are both useful…

3. Heuristics reduce the search time in solving problems

Some problems are so serious and the analytic techniques so time-consuming (or nonexistent) that a fast heuristic solution is better than no solution at all.

Example: New virus is lethal to the human species on a time scale shorter than the scientific theory can be developed to solve it, the only rational course is to use the irrational heuristic method. 

"Better first aid in the field 
than a patient dead on arrival…" 

the solution on the field does not involve state of the art equipment, or trained doctors – isn’t the “absolute correct analytic solution” to the problem.  

Engineers do the best they can, with the resources they have, and in the timeframe the product is needed by.  

Engineering is not an “exact science”.  You do not hear people using the phrase "exact engineering" for a reason.  Engineering does not produce "perfect" solutions because reality is not perfect - there are no perfect houses, no perfect cars, no perfect people (well, maybe there was one? but that's it...)

Unfortunately, most of the problems facing mankind cannot be solved with “exact science”.  – war, energy, hunger, pollution – like chess, the problems are so complex and poorly understood that analytic techniques are inadequate.  

Heuristics quickly produce “good enough” or at least "better than what it used to be" solutions to all of the analytically unsolvable problems. 

"Well, let's see now... let's think this over...
  an engineer never says “I don’t know. 

You don’t know exactly what lies ahead, your footing isn’t completely sure, your solution will not be perfect, nevertheless, you  “Just keep swimming”.

4. Acceptance of a heuristic depends on the immediate context instead of on an absolute standard.

The validity of a heuristic 
does it work, or is it useful in a specific relativistic context? 

It isn’t “right” or “wrong”, it’s only an idea...

It's like making cake – is there some absolute "fact" or "proof" about what recipe is correct? 

No, there are many ideas out there, and different occasions use different heuristics. 

“Criticize by creation, not by finding fault.” – “Criticize by re-design.”

One heuristic does not replace another by confrontation but by doing a better job in a given context.  

New scientific theories replace old ones, one theory is considered “wrong” and another “right”.  Eternal unchanging absolute “facts” are assumed to exist, and describing these facts are debated and argued over.  “prove it!” etc. Old “laws” are replaced by new ones after confrontations and tearing apart credentials and egos.

For engineers, the dependency on immediate context instead of absolute truth is the standard of validity and the final hallmark of a heuristic. 

While debating what group project to do, keep in mind... people criticize what they are interested and excited about.  Apathetic, uncaring, silence is your enemy - not criticism!

Usually, people aren't against you, they are for themselves.
Before you talk, listen.

Act, don't react.

Question instead of argue.

Suggest something better, instead of criticize.
Never give up, never surrender.

"Our destiny is not determined by the number of times we stumble but by the number of times we rise up, dust ourselves off, and move forward."link -

How To Respond Effectively To Design Criticism

State of the Art
Set of heuristics used by an engineer to solve a specific problem at a specific time.   State of the Art devices are designed to best meet the current needs of the population (life expectancy changes, health needs change, what’s popular changes, and the heuristics – rules of thumb used to address new situations and challenges change. )

How to teach heuristics?
Apprentice system – rules of thumb taught to apprentice in the balck-smith shop, or farmer working with their dad growing up etc. etc. 

The impetuous George Washington was surveying frontier lands by the age of sixteen. By 21, with only a few months of formal education, he could ford rivers, chart mountains, charm legislators, and lead troops. Lord Fairfax wrote his mother that he was, “a man who will go to school all his life.” Washington’s classrooms were the forest, the battlefield, and the halls of government. He never asked what was going to be in the final.”

Education system has evolved from apprenticeships to books and professors.  As an engineer, you have to realize that everything does not come out of a book – you need to be unusually sensitive to the physical world around you, and use what you intuitively know as part of your design.  Be willing to accept new designs that you are unfamiliar with though.  Realize your point of view, see others points of view. 

In summary...   Engineering has no hint of
  • the absolute, 
  • the deterministic, 
  • the guaranteed, 
  • the true. 

Instead, engineering fairly reeks of 
  • the uncertain, 
  • the provisional 
  • the doubtful. 

The engineer instinctively recognizes this and calls his ad hoc method:
  • doing the best you can with what you've got”,
  •  “find a seat of the pants solution” 
  • or just “muddling through

But... Engineers are able to see beyond the words and symbols in books to the physical realities that they represent.

Engineers are not afraid of an imperfect reality.

Their work makes them one of the principles sources humanity turns to for help, and progress.

Engineers are the ones purifying water, producing energy, creating airplanes, phones, computers, MRI machines and pace-makers.  Engineers don't just sit around talking about problems, we go out and actually do something to physically solve problems.  The world is different today than 50, 100, or 1000 years ago because of ENGRs.  

Quotes about the differences between scientists and engineers:

Scientists are concerned about the fundamentals of things, whereas engineers are concerned about the application of fundamental knowledge.

"A scientist can discover a new star, but he cannot make one. He would have to ask an engineer to do that." — Gordon L. Glegg, British Engineer, 1969.

A "mad scientist" is an engineer
 but a "mad engineer" is not a scientist.

"All engineers are scientists, 
but all scientists are not engineers"

“Scientists study the world as it is; 
engineers create the world that has never been.”

"Scientists get PhDs; 
Engineers get jobs"

Scientists vs engineers: this time it's financial - link

The 10 Best-Paying College Majors -  link

  • nine out of the 10 are in technology
  • STEM-related jobs are growing 60% faster than other fields

Engineers think that equations approximate the real world.
Scientists think that the real world approximates equations.
Mathematicians are unable to make the 


Scientists apply laws to understand nature
engineers apply laws to use nature to serve mankind.  

Engineers are practical
Scientists are theoretical … 

The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human needs."

There is a need for understanding how to prevent coffee from spilling out of a cup while one carrying the cup is walking....

The scientist pores over weeks of papers on fluid dynamics and human biomechanics, homonid gait evolution and spends millions of dollars he begged for in grant money....

The Engineer spends 2 cents and says "can i have a lid for this cup?"
