
Chap 13: Technical Communication

From "Writing as an Engineer" by David Beer and David McMurrey

Noise and the communication process:

Find the mistakes in the following sentences:

a.) When they bought the machine they weren’t aware of it’s shortcoming.

b.) There was not a sufficient enough number of samples to validate the data.

c.) Our intention is to implement the verification of the reliability of the system in the near future.

a.) The possessive form of it = its
it's = it is
     It's raining today. (It is raining today)
     The dog wagged its tail.

b.) Redundant and wordy: 
There was insufficient samples to validate the data.

c.)   Wordy
We want to verify the system’s reliability soon. 

Focus on:
 - Why you are writing.

  • to inform, request, instruct, propose, recommend, persuade, record?

- Who are your readers?
  • Fellow engineers from your field?
  • Engineers from a different field?
  • Managers? Marketing?
  • Mixed audience?

Are you communicating technical information on a level your audience can use?   

Are you using appropriate vocabulary, examples, definitions, and depth of detail? 

Satisfy Document Specifications
- Adhere to suggested length.
- Format spec’s: headings, spacing, margin widths, font

Get to the Point
  • Put important info first.
  • Intro - briefly state key points, complaints, requests, and conclusions.  
  •  Do not include details until the body of the text. 

  • Accurate references
  • Accurate directions and instructions
  • clearly state the conditions your data is applicable to. 
  • Do not state opinions as facts.

Logical Presentation and organization:

  • Numbered sections and subsections with titles.
  • Organize in levels of detail and importance
    • main subject first
    • fill in the details later  
  • First level headings should be in large font 
  • separate headings from text by one line
  • indent minor headings

Use Lists

Lists are often the most efficient way to communicate information.

List material from most important to least important

3 types of lists:

  • numbered (or lettered) for procedures, or prioritized lists
  • checklists – for things you need to do
  • bullet lists – items in list occur in no specific order

Be Clear & to the point:
  Ambiguity – comes from the Latin word meaning to be undecided, causes readers to see more than one meaning in your writing without knowing which is correct.   

Avoid words like “they” and “it” to be specific and avoid ambiguity.

 Before accepting materials from the new subcontractors, we should make sure they meet our requirements.

Who are “they”?  the materials? Or the contractors? or both?

Clear:  We should make sure the materials from the new subcontractors meet our requirements before we accept them. 

Ambiguous: The microprocessor interfaced directly with the 7055 RAM chip.  It runs at 5 MHz. (What does “it” refer to?)

   The microprocessor interfaced directly with the 7055 RAM chip.  The 7055 runs at 5 MHz.

Vague – contains no useful information.

“Take a few of these pills every so often.”  How many pills?  How often?

Vague: The Robotics group is several weeks behind schedule. 
: The Robotics group is six weeks behind schedule.

Vague: The CF553 runs faster than the RG562 but is much more expensive.
Useful: The CF553 runs 84% faster than the RG562 but costs $4,320 - $2,840 more than the CF553.

Coherence – comes from the word “cohere” or stick together.

Clear transitions – use words like “because”, “this shows”, “in addition”, “thus” to link sentences to one another.
Use a clear subject for each paragraph
Everything should support the subject of report

Avoid suspense.

Put the most important information first.


 Indirect: After a long and difficult development cycle due to factory renovation, the infrared controller will be ready for production in the very near future. 
Direct: The infrared controller will be ready for production March 4.  Its development cycle was slowed by the factory renovation. 

Avoid wordiness
Avoid unnecessarily pompous or ostentatious & showy words.  The point of technical documents is to convey information, not to make yourself look smart.

keep it simple and straightforward.

Remember, often your readers have English as their second language.

pompous  - straightforward
Commence – start
Compel – force
Comprises – is
Employ – use
Endeavor – try
Fabricate – make
Finalize – end
Initiate – begin
Optimal – best
Prioritize – rank
Proceed – go

Wordy: I regret to say that at this point in time I basically do not have access to that specific information…
Clear:  “I don’t know.” 

Wordy – efficient
A large number of – many
At this point in time – now
Come in contact with – contact
Exhibits the ability to – can
In the event of – if
In some cases – sometimes
In the majority of instances – usually

using multiple words to say the same thing

Redundant – clear
Alternative choices – alternatives
Actual experience – experience
Completely eliminate – eliminate
Connected together – connected
Collaborate together – collaborate
Very best – best
Component part – just say either “component” or “part”not both

Turning verbs into nouns:
Write in an active voice (rather than passive) by using verbs instead of nouns.

wordy – clear
An analysis of the data – analyze
An investigation of xyz – xyz was investigated.
made a selection – select
Procurement of services can be accomplished by – services can be procured by

Paragraph Length:
Avoid walls of words
rule of thumb – keep paragraphs to under 12 lines
Most paragraphs will be much shorter.  (one liners are just fine)


Margins – Use large margins to prevent pages looking too busy

Typeface – 10 to 12 point, Times New Roman, Arial

Use ample “white Space” around figures, headings, paragraphs, equations, & lists

Manage your time
Create and use a schedule
Give yourself time to edit
Team: divide and conquer, assign different sections to different people, but then have one person organize, and re-write it to create a smoothly flowing document (rather than a patchwork quilt of different writing styles) 

Graphics & Charts –
use numbered figure captions,
refer to the figure in the text by the number.

include a table heading.  Heading go above tables (figure captions go below figures) 


Should be numbered at the end of the report, and referred to in the text by their number.

Presentation Checklist:

You will probably end up taking an entire class on technical writing.  Start getting used to it now,  by the end of the semester you should be able to put together a good technical report!  


Learn how to add numbered footnotes - (google it if you don't know how)

  • Use Headings - bold, numbered, underlined

  • Use bullet lists and numbered procedures instead of long paragraphs.

  •   Use figure captions.  Refer to figures in the text.
    • Tables have headings
    • Diagrams have captions
Just look in any ENGR textbook and notice how everything is formatted.
Use consistent format through entire report 
  • If different people write different sections, make sure when you put it all together it looks like one single report written by one single person.
Don't plagiarize!   
  • Warning - I do random google checks on what you have written. Cite your references, use small quotes if you need to, but most of the report should be in your own words.
Pay attention to simple grammar and spelling!

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Read what you have written out loud 
  • if it sounds strange when you hear it, then fix it.
Read through the work of your team.   
  • Pay them $0.25 for every mistake they find in your work.
  • Practice with one another
  • practice in an empty room
Videotape yourself, watch yourself, and fix what you see. 
 Pay attention to people who impress you, - copy their techniques.

Use the LSC writing center!!  
LIB 219