
HW#1: ENGR Innovation Research Paper & Presentation

ENGR1201: Group Homework assignment #1:
Engineering Innovation Research Paper & Presentation

For this group assignment, choose something that was created by an engineer, and create a report and presentation on it.  Choose something sufficiently complex that it requires advanced engineering skills to build (in other words, don’t choose something as simple as “a table” to do your report on), but specific enough that a general understanding is possible in a short report (ie, instead of choosing something like an entire airplane, choose only one part of the airplane, like a jet engine, to do your report on.) Use your own words, and reference internet sites (or books) that you get your information from.  If you choose something that is related to what you want to work on as your semester long group project, this report can be used as the background research section of your end of semester project report. 

Report:  (____ / 100)

Heading: should include class name, date, project title, and the names of all the group members.

Intro: (5 points)
For our project, we have decided to research the .....  We chose this product because .....

Section 1: Design (20 points)
Includes diagrams of your chosen product with brief explanations of what it is, what it does, and how it operates.

Section 2: Production (20 points)
Explain the process used to make this product including what company makes it, what raw materials were used, how they were formed, and how it was assembled.

Section 3: Improvements (20 points)
Discuss different models of this product, and how the design has evolved through time.

Section 4: People involved (20 points)

  • Make a list of several different engineering disciplines that were involved in making the product, and explain what each type of engineer contributed.  (10 points)
  • Include a short biography on one prominent engineer who significantly contributed to the existence of your chosen product. (10 points)

Format: (15 points)

See notes on how to write a technical document.  Your report should have bold headings, subheadings, organized lists, and references.

Presentation: (_____ / 100)
You can use a ppt or the whiteboard.
Each member of your group should present one section. 
Keep it brief!  2 minutes per section, skip the details, and present only the general idea of the thing.  Be prepared to answer a few simple questions as a group at the end of your presentation. 

Example Product: 4-stroke internal combustion engine.

Section 1: Design
Engine Block:

(1)  ** Study these diagrams, watch instructional youtube videos, and be prepared to explain the basic operation during the class presentation. 

Section 2:  Production 

2.1 Raw materials.
Mark Wan from the AutoZone Technical school reports that most engines are now made out of lightweight Aluminum that is coated with either cast iron or Nickel-silicon carbide to reduce friction between the parts.(2)  The materials that combustion engines are made from has changed from cast iron to Aluminum alloys in order to reduce the weight of the engine which produces higher energy efficiency.

2.2 Process.
  The engine block is created by “sand casting” or melting the desired aluminum alloy, and then pouring the molten metal into a sand mold.  After the metal hardens, the sand is removed, and the engine block is machined into it’s final form. (3)
   The pistons, crankshaft, and other rods are created through a forging and forming process where metal is heated and forced through a die.  The forging process increases the strength of the metal by introducing atomic packing defects which prevent slip planes from propagating in the microstructure of the metal. (4, 5)  

2.3 Assembly:
Parts are assembled through a combination of machines and manual labor. (6)

2.4 Example companies that produce combustion engines:
GM, Ford – United States
VW, BMW – Germany
Toyota, Nissan, Honda – Japan
Hyundai – South Korea

Section 3: Improvements

Read through resources such as this:
Create a time line, choose and highlight what you believe to be the most important developments of your product.

Section 4: People

4.1 Engineering disciplines needed:
- Chemical Engineer – Refines the fuel used in the engine.
- Mining Engineer – blasts away rocks to reveal ore veins, and mine the raw materials for the parts.
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineer – Creates the best material (lightweight, strong, corrosion resistant, performs under high-temperatures and pressures, cost effective) from the ore produced by the mining engineer.
- Mechanical Engineer – Designs engine using applied mechanics and thermodynamic calculations.
- Electrical Engineer - Created spark plug for gas motor, created an alternative electric motor
- Computer/Software Engineer - Creates & programs microprocessors which monitor performance and optimize efficiency

4.2 Short biography of  one of the original engineers who first created or significantly improved the product.


*** check out the "How It's Made" youtube videos - these are a great reference!  Just do a youtube search with "How it is made ____________" fill in the blank with your product.  Wiki is fine, materials from other schools are fine, materials from companies are fine - use a variety of different reference sources in your report.

1.) Diagrams:
Engine Block:

2.) Advanced Engine Material, by Mark Wan, AutoZine Technical School © 1998-2000

3.) How Is an Engine Block Made? By Nancy Lovering

 4.) Forging, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

5.) How It's Made Engine Pistons

6.) How It's Made Car Engines


For your presentation, watch TED talk:

Check out some of the "How it's Made" youtubes.

Check out some of the "Modern Marvels" youtubes.  (The "Engineering Disasters" series on Modern Marvels are particularly entertaining.)